Sunday 22 June 2014

Minimalism and me

I grew up in a house full of things.
I know everyone lives in a house full of things, but this one really was full.

My mum is from the school of 'it will come in useful one day'. She has often been proved right, and when she has gotten rid of something within 6 months she has found a potential use for it!

I have never been quite so much of a hoarder, but I have still managed to accumulate a fair amount of stuff. Something that was bought to my attention recently, having moved house for the second time in 2 years. It was surprising to find what hadn't been used in between the house moves, indeed some things hadn't even been unpacked.

When we moved in October I was still very unwell with my relapse. I wasn't able to do anything for very long, quickly exhausted. Doing the bare minimum for my family day to day was almost too much.

It felt like for months every where I looked in the house there was something that needed doing, boxes that needed unpacking, a room that needed cleaning or organising. It was completely overwhelming seeing all that needed to be done and knowing I couldn't do it all.

I did try. I did far too much everyday and was a tearful wreck by bed time, and unable to do anything on the weekends.

After Christmas I came across a book called Clutter free with kids. It completely changed how I look at the things that I own and what we need to live.

So I started selling things on local selling boards.
I ordered some sacks from 'Clothes for Charity' so that all the money from my donated clothing would go to Invest in M.E.

With every item, box, sack that left the house I felt lighter, energised, more in control.

I thinned out my kids toys, back to basics and favourites and you know what, they haven't even noticed. Fewer toys for them to throw over the floor, fewer toys to have to tidy up! Everyone's happy.

Now the lounge is a lovely tranquil place, I rarely look around and shudder at all the things to tidy up and clean. As less stuff really does mean less work.
I haven't finished yet, I still have a couple of rooms to do and a loft full of toys to sort out!

I went to visit my mum recently and although I thought I would be fine with all the stuff, after all its not my house so not my problem. I still found it a little overwhelming. Overstimulating. So much lovely stuff, everywhere you look there is something interesting or pretty to look at! It is amazing how much your surroundings can effect how you feel.

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